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| Last Updated:: 11/02/2016

Medicinal Plants in Chamoli



S.No. Taxa Local Name Parts Used Medicinal Uses
1 Achyranthes aspera Linn. Latjira Whole plant Piles, cough, asthma, snake bite and dysentery
2 Adiantum caudatum L. Maurya shikha Frond Skin disease. diabetes, cough and fever
3 AAdiantum capillus-veneris Linn. Hansraj/Maidenhair fern Frond Eye ailment/other remedies
4 Amaranthus paniculatus Linn. Chua/marsu Seeds Veterinary disease and eyes
5 Amaranthus spinosus Linn. Kantelu-massu Whole plant Rat bites, burn, fever, anaemia and snake nites
6 Amaranthus viridis Linn. Gojha/Marsu Leaves, roots Snake bite and urinary disorder
7 Allium stracheyi Baker. Jawaridhun Leaves Indigestion, jaundice, cold, cough and swelling
8 Artemisia annua Linn. Kundja Whole plant Jaundice, skin and wound
9 Bauhinia variegate Linn. Kachnar Bark, roots Diarrhoea
10 Berberis aristata de Linn. Kingod/daruhaldi Roots Fever and diabetes
11 Bombax ceiba Linn. Semal Roots Aphrodisiac
12 Cannabis sativa Lamrack Bhang Whole plant Fever, diarrhea, skin disease, asthma and jaundice
13 Cardemine impatiens Linn. Ban-laiyya Whole plant Fever and veterinary disease
14 Chenopodium album L. Bethu Whole plant Ulcer, stomach ache
15 Citrus sinensis Linn. Malta Fruit Skin disease
16 Cleome viscose L. Jakhya Whole plant Skin disease, ulcer, itching, leprosy and fever
17 Clematis barbellats Linn. Kangali Leaf, roots Skin disease
18 Cuscuta reflexa Roxburgh Akashmatri/bel Whole plant Body pain, burns, eye disease, headache, hair loss, itching, skin disease, nervous disorder and stomach ache
19 Dastica cannabina L. Bajarbhang Whole plant Fever and gastric
20 Datura innoxia Mill. Dhatura Leaves, seeds and roots Asthma, skin disease, boils, sores, cough and veterinary disease


Source: Indian Forester, 141(4), 2015