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| Last Updated:: 11/02/2016

Medicinal Plants in Alaknanda Valley



S.No. Taxa Local Name Parts Used Medicinal Uses
1 Achyranthes aspera Linn. Latjira Whole plant Toothache, asthma, insect sting, ring worm
2 Achyranthes bidentata Blume Golda Whole plant Wounds, fever, cough
3 Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa Bel Fruit, Leaf, Bark Digestive disorder, refreshing drink, fever and cold
4 Angelica glauca Edgew. Choru Root Flatulence, colic, stomach complaints, vomiting, cough and cold
5 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume Saperi mausi Root, Fruit Antidote for snake bite and poisonous mushroom
6 Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott Bag mungri Whole plant, Fruit Snake bite, skin disease, piles
7 Artemisia capillaries Thunb Pati Leaf Ear ache, bitter tonic for worms
8 Azadirachta indica Juss. Neem Stem, Leaf, Flower Antiseptic, skin disease, , kill liced, tooth ache, diabetes
9 Bauhinia variegate L. Guriyal Bark, Stem, Flower Dysentery, skin disorder, ulcers, cough
10 Berberis aristata DC Chatru Root, Bark Rat and snake bite, boil, eye complaints, anticancer
11 Berberis lyceum Royle Kinmor Root, Bark, Stem, Fruit Diabetes, skin disease, eye and ear complaints, piles
12 Betula utilis D. Don Bhojpatra Bark, Leaf Rheumatism, fever
13 Calotropis procera (Ait) R. Br. Ank Leaf, Root, Flower Cold and cough
14 Cannabis sativa L. Bhang Leaf, Seed, Flower Bowel complaint, bronchitis, cuts, fever, narcotic
15 Cassia tora L. Chakunda Leaf, Root, Fruit Skin disease, stomache, cough and cold, cut
16 Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud Deodar Resin, Stem Bowel, rheumatism, piles
17 Centella asiatica (L.) Urban Brahmi Whole plant Mental complaints, headache, skin disease, blood purifier
18 Chenopodium album L. Bathua Seed, Leaf Skin disorder
19 Cordia dichotoma Forst Lassora Seed, Leaf Cold and cough, colic, fever, headache
20 Cuscuta reflexa L. Amar-bel Whole plant Skin disease, rheumatic pain, swelling
21 Dioscorea bulbifera L. Gainthi Root Cough, antiseptic, burn wounds, boils
22 Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Amla Whole plant Stomach problem, vitamin C, blood purifier
23 Ficus palmate Forsk Bedu Fruit, Root Dysentery, indigestion, to draw out thorn
24 Ficus religiosa L. Pipal Bark, Stem Bronchitis, skin disease, swewlling and joint pain
25 Mentha longifolia L. Pudina Whole plant Digestive, stomache complaints, check vomiting and indigestion
26 Pinus roxburghii Sar Chir Resin, Stem Boils, bone fracture, skin disorder, ulcer, asthma and bronchitis
27 Pinus wallichiana Jacks Kail Resin, Bark Dislocation joints, ulcers, rheumatic pain
28 Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn Reetha Seed, Fruit Fever, snake bite
29 Taxus bacata L. Thuner Leaf, Bark Anti-cancer, cold and cough, bone fracture
30 Toona ciliata (Royle) M. Roe. Tun Stem, Leaf Ulcer, boils
31 Verbascum thapsus L. Akalveer Leaf, Flower Asthma, cough, intestinal pain, inflammation body
32 Viola pilosa Bl. Banafsa Whole plant Skin and blood diseases, fever, cough, intestinal pain
33 Vitex nigundo L. Siwali Stem, Leaf, Flower, Root Rheumatism, anthelmintic
34 Withania somnifera Dunal Ashwagandha Root Urinary disorder, fever, rheumatism
35 Zanthoxylum armatum DC. Timru Bark, Fruit, Seed, Root Tooth ache, tooth decay, mouth wash


Source: Indian Forester, 141(6), 2015